Competing at Silicon Vikings

Competing at Silicon Vikings

On Thursday, our co-founder, Luke Hening, had the exhilarating opportunity to represent Tengdu at the 2024 Silicon Vikings Pitch Competition! The atmosphere at Kólaportíð was electric, with a buzz of energy from passionate entrepreneurs and seasoned investors.

Tengdu is a social connection platform to build and maintain a healthy, real-world social life.

Pitching Under Pressure

Luke admits he spent the whole week feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement, meticulously practicing his pitch to ensure a clear and concise delivery within the tight 3-minute timeframe. He even aimed to get the message across in an impressive 2 minutes and 30 seconds!

”Whittling down a whole load of information into a compelling story in such a short time was a challenge,” says Luke. “But with the support and feedback from my co-founder, Sesar, we refined the pitch and felt confident going on stage.”

A Message That Hit Home

While Tengdu didn’t take home the top prize, Luke received a wave of positive feedback from the audience. The idea of Tengdu clearly resonated – people are craving an easier way to build a vibrant social life, like they had in their younger years.

In the words of one woman, “Yes! I need this”

What’s on the Horizon?

We’re thrilled to announce that our MVP (minimum viable product) is ready to reach the app store next month! Signing up ensures automatic matches with people in your area who share your interests, live nearby, and are available when you are.

We value your feedback immensely and will continuously iterate based on user experience to build a truly exceptional solution that helps people reclaim their social lives. Stay tuned for updates by following us on social media!